The purpose of this website is to share the miracle healing information that we have learned over many years from traveling to Health and healing centers from the West Coast to the East Coast spending tens of thousands of dollars to help my wife’s liver to heal we have been blessed with not only the healing of my wife, We have seen miracle healing in just a few months for others by sharing this information with many friends and family members that have followed levels 1,2,3 & 4 they have reversed diabetes, heart disease, cancer, many other sicknesses and diseases by simply building their immune system and eating nutrient rich foods with plenty of exercise following the new start principles of nutrition, exercise, water, sunshine, temperance, air, rest, trust. You will need to change bad habits and create new healthy habits watching the videos is one of the best ways to retrain your brain and how you think. This information is given freely to you our hope is that you benefit from following these principles and share this information with the tens of thousands of sick and diseased people that do not understand what they need to do to heal their body! Take the 28 day challenge to restart your life healthy new life with level 1 and keep building up to level 4 if you have to reverse any disease. Comments and questions can be posted on our Facebook page.

Wishing you a healthy new start and many blessings 🙂

James and Carolyn Kimball